RSIS International

Scholastica Ratanya

Dr. Scholastica Nkirote Ratanya


Technical University of Mombasa – Kenyo
PhD in Leadership & Governance Masters in Leadership & Management Masters in Development Communication Post-graduate Dipoma in Project Planning and Management Bachelor of Education(Linguistics and Literature)
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)
My name is Dr. Scholastica N. Ratanya (PhD). I am a fulltime Lecturer at Technical University of Mombasa – Kenya. Am in the School of Business, Business Administration Department. I have a work experience of twenty-four (24) years in teaching. My job entails teaching undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students. I have outstanding communication skills, great leadership skills and prowess organization skills. I mentor and supervise students’ projects and other research-based activities. Among the roles I have held at the University are: Chairperson, Productivity & Mainstreaming Committee, Departmental Examination Coordinator, member of University Integrity Assurance Officers Committee, member Departmental Welfare Committee. I engage in teaching students because I have a passion for public speaking and impacting minds. Research inspires me as it is the only means of realizing my potential by actualizing my vision. My research areas of interest are governance, communication, management and leadership. I have authored & co-authored several publications in local and international peer-reviewed journals, co-authored one chapter of a book, attended several conferences and participated in various research activities as a principle investigator or a co-investigator. As a member of LinkedIn, research gate, AICAD Scholars initiative and several professional forums where I gain full support and up to date insights of research activities through partnerships with colleagues from other Universities or institutions. I have a collection of awards and certificates received through my achievements in research and consultancy. I also have a personal website where I engage in consultancy activities and pursue various opportunities in my areas of interests. I enjoy taking casual walks as I appreciate diverse sceneries. Among the key accomplishments, I have made are establishing a community-based organization that oversees the needs of the un-privileged members of community especially those lacking the access of primary basic needs. With a yearly program of helping the less privileged I have touched many needful hearts. I am a volunteer and a sponsor of a local Chess club that aims to engage young children in meaning activities during their off-school sessions and sponsor them to participate in local and national chess championships.
Research Interests
Other Reviewer
Dr. Sri Rahayu
Dr. Sri Rahayu, S.Pd., M.E.
Dr. Praveen Kumar Chachaiya
Danjuma Kassim
Mr. Abdullahi DANJUMA Kassim
Dr. Hauwa Sani Ahmad
Mr. Wade Manasseh Teryima
Mr. Wade Manasseh Teryima
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