RSIS International

Effective Guidelines for Manuscript Peer Review
Peer review is a cornerstone of scholarly publishing, ensuring the quality, integrity, and validity of research. As a reviewer, your role is crucial in maintaining these standards. Here are step-by-step guidelines to help you review a manuscript effectively:

Understand the Review Scope

Evaluate the Manuscript Structure

  • Abstract: Check for a clear summary of the research objectives, methods, and findings.
  • Introduction: Ensure it provides context and states the research problem.
  • Methodology: Assess whether the methods are robust, replicable, and ethical.
  • Results and Discussion: Verify that findings are presented clearly, supported by data, and discussed in light of existing research.
  • Conclusion: Check for logical closure and relevance to the stated objectives.

Assess Writing and Presentation

Check for Ethical Compliance

Provide Constructive Feedback

Make Your Recommendation

Adhere to Confidentiality

By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute significantly to advancing the academic community and upholding the standards of scholarly communication. Note for Reviewers: Reviewing a manuscript is a responsibility and a privilege. Your expertise and insights help shape the quality of published research and guide authors in improving their work.