RSIS International

Dr. Christopher Rodgers

Dr. Christopher Rodgers

Trine University

Trine University
United States of America

Educational Background

  • 1991B.A., Journalism, Southern University and A&M College
  • 1992M.A., Mass Communications, Southern University and A&M College
  • 2013Ph.D., Management in Organizational Leadership, University of Phoenix
  • 2016Post-Masters, Leadership in Higher Education, Capella University
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)


Talented professional, knowledgeable leader, and dedicated analytical person with 20+ years of valuable expertise to forward company objectives. Attentive to detail with experience in coordinating projects, programs, and improvements. Enthusiastic education and management professional eager to contribute to team success through hard work, diligence, and excellent organizational skills and three years of student counseling/advising experience.

Core Qualifications and Competencies: Strong classroom management skills; 20+ years of classroom teaching experience; experienced manager and employee trainer; experience in developing and conducting workshops; ability to produce well-written, well-documented reports and proposals; knowledge of enterprise software tools and educational and business applications.

Five years of work experience in communications, news writing, and scholarly peer-reviewed writing; Experience working with Microsoft Office 365; extensive experience and knowledge of Associated Press style; knowledge of various learning management systems (LMS), including Blackboard, Canvas, and Moodle; Published author, experienced dissertation, and research proposal editor with more than eight years of experience in editing scholarly material; knowledge of enterprise software tools and educational and business applications, PowerSchool, Edgenuity, Salesforce, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Windows 10.


  • Cleary University, Howell, Michigan – Adjunct Professor (July 2023 – Present)
    • Teach speech communication to learners using Moodle to support class assignments, discussion questions, and assignments.
    • Assists students with writing and revisions, including grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and APA.
    • Conducts workshops on APA style and formatting.
  • Detroit Public Schools Community District, Detroit, Michigan – On the Rise Academy – Elementary Fellow (June 2023 – July 2023)
    • Conducted field experience in a summer school classroom and completed online and face-to-face coursework during the Pre-Service Institute and the school year.
    • Participated in 1:1 and small group coaching during the Pre-Service Institute and the school year.
    • Collaborated with fellows, teachers, school and District leadership, parents, and community members to ensure summer learning students receive high-quality instruction and social/emotional support.
  • Detroit Public Schools Community District, Detroit, Michigan – Program Manager, Marketing, Sales and Service (Aug 2023 – Present)
    • Provides daily instruction on the fundamentals of marketing, sales and service, including industry standard techniques and tools.
    • Prepares engaging and challenging lessons for a balanced program of instruction, demonstration, and work time that provides students opportunities to observe, question, and investigate.
    • Utilizes technology and multimedia resources to enhance learning experiences and implements differentiated instruction to meet varying student needs.
    • Facilitates parent-teacher conferences to discuss student progress and strategies for improvement.
  • Detroit Public Schools Community District, Detroit, Michigan – Program Supervisor for Credit Recovery (October 2021 – June 2023)
    • Designed and implemented a coherent credit recovery strategy aligning with district vision for instruction and achievement targets.
    • Supported Assistant Director with selecting credit recovery programs and resources, and implemented systems to maximize students’ strengths.
    • Implemented processes for student enrollment in credit recovery courses, courseware administration, and tracking student completion.
  • Trine University, Angola, Indiana – Faculty Liaison for Dual Enrollment (May 2022 – Present)
    • Facilitates professional development with Concurrent Enrollment Instructors and maintains rapport with high school instructors.
    • Coordinates site visits for classroom observation and ensures academic rigor and grading equivalency to Trine University courses.
    • Provides guidance on assessment and grading policies to align with university standards.
Research Interests
Business Administration, Education
Other Reviewer
Dr. Sri Rahayu
Dr. Sri Rahayu, S.Pd., M.E.
Dr. Praveen Kumar Chachaiya
Danjuma Kassim
Mr. Abdullahi DANJUMA Kassim
Dr. Hauwa Sani Ahmad
Mr. Wade Manasseh Teryima
Mr. Wade Manasseh Teryima
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