RSIS International


Dr. Fazhana Binti Ismail


Sultan Idris Education University
Msc Animal Production Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)
Dr. Fazhana binti Ismail is a lecturer and Head of the Department of Agricultural Science at the Faculty of Technical and Vocational, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) in Tanjung Malim, Perak, Malaysia. Specializing in animal production, she has contributed significantly to the field of agricultural science and vocational education. She holds a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Universiti Putra Malaysia (2007) and a Master’s in Animal Production Science from the same university (2013). Her research focuses on areas such as poultry breeding, disease management, and curriculum development, with active involvement in projects like mobile-based learning modules and sustainable farming practices. Dr. Fazhana has co-authored several notable publications in international journals and has been recognized for her innovations in education and agriculture. She has also received several prestigious awards, including a Gold at IINOVEX2024 and a Silver at the International Education Innovation Expo 2023. Her extensive contributions to education, research, and consultancy reflect her dedication to advancing the agricultural sciences and fostering a sustainable future.
Research Interests
Agricultural Sciences, Education, Veterinary Science
Other Reviewer
Mr. Muhammad Isah Muhammad
Mr. Muhammad Isah Muhammad
Mr. Eze Frankline Chidi
Mr. Eze Frankline Chidi
Mr. Olajide Samuel Adegunwa
Mr. Olajide Samuel Adegunwa
Mr. Mohan Kumar Gajula
Mr. Mohan Kumar Gajula
Dr. Masud Ur Rashid
Dr. Masud Ur Rashid
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