RSIS International

Dr Funke Medun

Dr. Funke Medun

Managing Consultant/ Director

Paris School of Business (PSB), Paris, France..
• Doctor of Business Administration (DBA); Paris School of Business, Paris, France – 2000 to 2023 • Masters in Business Administration (MBA); Lagos Business School [LBS], Pan African University – 2006 to 2007 • B.Sc., Geology [ Second Class Upper Division]; University of Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State. – 1995 to 2000
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)
Dr Funke Medun is a World Bank business development support (BDS) services consultant, a licensed HR practitioner, an international development consultant, a scholar-practitioner, and a seasoned professional with several years of experience in banking, consulting, research, human resources, training, executive coaching, job creation, employability, entrepreneurship, and MSMEs sector development. She had experience in the banking sector working with top banks in Nigeria before joining the consulting industry. She possesses a broad and deep technical knowledge in developing, supporting, and managing corporate & middle-market businesses and projects. She is a BDS provider for the World Bank Growth & Employment (GEM) project, Bank of Industry (BOI) Nigeria, FGN YouWin Project, Small & Medium Enterprise Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN), and Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF), a certified UNIDO HP-LIFE trainer, Leapworld/United States African Development Foundation (USADF)/LSETF employability program lead consultant, an international academic journal reviewer with the International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) and RSIS International journals, amongst others. Funke has a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology, a Master in business administration (MBA) from Lagos Business School (LBS) Pan-Atlantic University, and a Doctorate degree from Paris School of Business (PSB), Paris, France. She is an author, a researcher, a development research fellow, a member of the Chartered Institute of Directors (MCIoD), a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (MCIPM), a Fellow Chartered Institute of Public Administrators (FCPA), a life member of women in business & public service (WIMBIZ), and a United State Government Exchange Program -Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) Alumna. Funke sits as an Independent Non Executive Director on the board of Proshare, served as the same on the board of Sunshine Foods Concept Production Limited (SFCPL) a public private partnership (PPP), a few other organizations and strategic committees, and she is the pioneer president of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) Members’ Cooperative Multipurpose Society and currently serve in that role.
Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence, Banking and Finance, Business Administration, Development Studies, International Business, Management, Organizational Behavior, Strategic Management
Other Reviewer
Mr. Muhammad Isah Muhammad
Mr. Muhammad Isah Muhammad
Mr. Eze Frankline Chidi
Mr. Eze Frankline Chidi
Mr. Olajide Samuel Adegunwa
Mr. Olajide Samuel Adegunwa
Mr. Mohan Kumar Gajula
Mr. Mohan Kumar Gajula
Dr. Masud Ur Rashid
Dr. Masud Ur Rashid
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