Dr. A. Harshavardhan is currently working as Senior Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering (AIML&IOT) at VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Hyderabad, Telanagna, India. He has Received B. Tech (CSE) degree first class from JNTU Hyderabad
in 2004, M. Tech (CSE) degree first class with distinction from JNTU Hyderabad in 2008 and Ph. D
(CSE) from JNTU Hyderabad in 2021. He has published several research publications in peer-reviewed
International journals and conferences. He is a life member of ISTE and IAENG. His research interests
include Image Processing, Machine Learning, Big Data and Cloud Computing. He is Contributed as a
reviewer, Editor for various International Journals and he also acted as a session chair for various
international conferences.
Medical and Health Sciences