RSIS International

Dr Kamalesh Ravesangar

Dr Kamalesh Ravesangar

Assistant Professor

Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Organizational Behavior) Master’s Degree (Human Resource Management) Bachelor’s Degree (Human Resource Development)
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI)
Highly committed academician with over 11 years of experience in teaching Certificate, Diploma, Degree, and supervision for MBA(coursework mode) students from various social and cultural backgrounds at private colleges and universities. Currently, she works as Programme Leader & Assistant Professor at Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management & Technology in Malaysia. Prior to her academic career, she gained experience in the educational, manufacturing, recruitment, and engineering sectors. She is a Professional Member of the Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management and holds a PhD and a Master’s degree in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management. She specializes in human resource management, human resource development and organizational behavior studies. She has authored over 20 articles and book chapters and serves on the editorial board for the Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated in the Philippines and PiscoMed Publishing in Singapore, and is an editor for IGI Global Books. Additionally, she is a peer reviewer for the Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, and the International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS). She has been awarded ” Certificate of Recognition & Excellence in Reviewing by Asian Journal of Economics, Business & Accounting and Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business Research & Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated (IIARI).
Research Interests
Organizational Behavior
Other Reviewer
Chinua Onyebuchi
Dr. Chinua Onyebuchi
Mr. Dominic Samaila
Ms. Leviana Andrew
Ms. Leviana Andrew
Gina B. Alcoriza
Dr. Gina B. Alcoriza
Mr. Chalith Kavinda
Mr. Chalith Kavinda
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