Curriculum Vitae
Dewundara Liyanage Prasath Manjula Rathnasingha
Department of Finance, University of Colombo,
Colombo 03, Sri Lanka.
Telephone (9411) 2501 294(Office) (9411) 0718303761 (Mobile)
• PhD (Finance)
• MBA (Finance)
• BBA (Finance)
• Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (CTHE) – 2004, staff development center of the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Research Publications
1) Premadasa, S. W., & Rathnasingha, D. L. P. M. (2023). Factors Affecting on Intention to Use Digital Banking Services: Evidence from Rural Areas in Sri Lanka, V international scientific conference of economics and management researchers, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), Azerbaijan.
2) Probodini, M., Rathnasingha, D. L. P. M. (2022). The Impact of Stock Split Announcements on Stock Prices: Evidence from Colombo Stock Exchange, Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, Vol. 9 Issue 5. ISSN 2288-4637, e-ISSN 2288-4645.
3) Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M., & Weerasinghe, N. (2021). Do Sell-Side Security Analysts Act as Prophets? journal of Financial Risk Management, 10, 1, -. (ISSN: 2167-9533).
4) Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M., & Dayarathna, K. P. N. S. (2021). Constructing the Yield Curve for Sri Lanka’s Government Bond Market. International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs, 5, 4. (ISSN 2519-9986 (Online), 2520-3258 (Print).
5) Rathnasingha, D.L. P. M., & Heiyanthuduwa, C. P. (2019), Revisiting External Pecking Order Hypothesis: Evidence from Sri Lankan Companies Capital Structure, Journal of Financial Risk Management, 8, Page 200-223. (ISSN Online: 2167-9541, ISSN Print: 2167-9533).
6) Nwokwu T.C., Rathnasingha D. L. P. M, Pradeep Randiwela. (2019). Corporate governance, Board Participation and Firm Performance of the listed Companies in Nigeria, Journal of Finance and Bank Management, Vol 07, No 1, Page 1-10. ISSN 2333-6064 (print), 2333-6072 (Online).
7) Kemitha, Jayamaha. & Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M. (2018), Cultural differences on finance managers’ behavior in Sri Lanka, XI International Research Conference on Applied Research in Engineering and Management Sciences (ICAREMA), Bali, Indonesia.
8) Tochukwu Nwokwu, Pradeep Dharmadasa & Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M. (2018), Board Involvement on Earnings per Share (EPS): Evidence from a Developing Economy, International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, Vol. 6, No. 05, 2018, Page no.130-141. (Online ISSN: 2411-2933 Print – 24113123).
9) Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M. and Ali, K. (2013). The importance of ancillary services for residential mortgage borrowers in default in Sri Lanka, Housing Finance International, Autumn, Vol. XXVII No. 4, (ISSN: 2078-6328).
10) Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M. and Ali, K. (2012). How demographics contribute to mortgage default: using binary logistic regression to draw inferences, Housing Finance International, Winter, Vol. XXVI No 4, (ISSN: 2078-6328).
11) Gunarathna UGVDD., Rathnasingha D. L. P. M. (2016). Timing of presidential elections and stock return behavior; with special reference to Colombo Stock Exchange. Journal of Accountancy and Finance, Vol 03, Issue 2 (ISSN2386 – 1444).
12) H. L. Rangika Layantha Premathilaka., Rathnasingha, D. L. P. M. (2020). Corporate Governance and Equity Finance: A Sri Lankan Study., 15th International Research Conference on Management and Finance, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, (ISSN: …).
13) Tochukwu Nwokwu, Pradeep Dharmadasa & Rathnasingha, D. L. P. M. (2018), Board Involvement on Earnings per Share (EPS): Evidence from a Developing Economy., 9th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE 2018), Indian Institute of Management (IIM Indore), India.
14) Deepa D. Gunarathna & Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M. (2017). Timing of Calling Parliamentary General Election and the Behavior of Stock Return: With Special Reference to Colombo Stock Exchange., 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference of Management Researchers, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
15) Samarawickrema, M.D.D.P. & Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M. (2016). The effect of Deemed Dividend Tax on Dividend Policy: Evidence from Sri Lanka., 9th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kothalawala Defense University, Sri Lanka, (ISSN: 978-955-0301-28-7).
16) Ravindren Kanth & Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M. (2015). Cost Efficiency Benchmarking in Banking Sector: Evidence from Sri Lanka., 10th International Research Conference, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, (ISSN: 2386 – 1843).
17) Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M. & Ali, Khatibi (2014). Income Volatility, Ancillary Services and Housing Loan Default, HETC Symposium, Colombo.
18) Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M. & Ali, Khatibi (2014). Individuals Housing Mortgage Finance Loan Default: An Empirical Assessment of the Risk, International Research Conference on Debt and Debt Derivatives, School of Management, University of Pondicherry, India.
19) Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M. & Ali, Khatibi (2013). The importance of ancillary services for residential mortgage borrowers in default in Sri Lanka, Housing Finance International, Autumn, Vol. XXVII No. 4, (ISSN: 2078-6328).
20) Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M. & Ali, Khatibi (2012). How demographics contribute to mortgage default: using binary logistic regression to draw inferences, Housing Finance International, Vol. XXVI No 4, (ISSN: 2078-6328).
21) Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M. & Ali, Khatibi (2012). Residential Mortgage Default at Housing Development Finance Corporation of Sri Lanka: EPF Security – A Review, Annual Research Symposium, University of Colombo.
22) Rathnasingha, D.L.P.M. (July 2012). Factors Affecting the Investment Advisor Performance: A Study in the Colombo Stock Exchange, International Academic Research Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. No.1, Issue No.2, Page no.1-15. (ISSN: 2227-6254).
23) “Factors Affecting the Investment Advisor Performance: A Study in the Colombo Stock Exchange” (MBA Dissertation)”.
24) “Human Behavior on Share Investment and Bank Deposits” (BBA Dissertation)”.
1) Director (15.03.2024 to date), Acting Director (01.01.2024), Career Guidance Unit, University of Colombo.
2) Head (2020 to 2023), Professor (12-03-2021), Department of Finance (Joined in 2003), Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo.
3) Acting Dean, (20-06-2023, 17-05-2023, 24-04-2023) Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo.
4) Academic Warden, Kithyakara boys’ hostel, (2020), University of Colombo.
5) Activity Coordinator, Under the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Program, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, (2019 – 2020).
6) Domain Coordinator, Exterior facility development, Faculty Quality Assurance cell, (2020) Faculty of Management and Finance (FMF), University of Colombo.
7) Compliance Review committee member for Proposed Curriculum for Bachelor of Science in International Economics and Finance Degree (NSBM), non-state Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovations, (2020).
8) Programme Review Panel member to review three-degree proposals (Bachelor of Arts Honours in Law and Business Studies, Bachelor of Arts Honours in Law and International Trade, Bachelor of Arts Honours in Law and E-Commerce) of the National School of Business Management Ltd, Ministry of Education, (2022).
9) Programme Review Panel member to review three-degree proposals (Bachelor of Laws Honours in Business Law, Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in International Trade, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Law and E-Commerce) of the National School of Business Management Ltd, Ministry of Education, (2022).
10) Chairman, Technical Advisory Committee to evaluate the financial viability of York Graduate Campus (Pvt) Ltd, Ministry of Education, (2023).
11) Chairman, Technical Advisory Committee to evaluate the financial viability of SLT Campus (Pvt) Ltd, Ministry of Education, (2023).
12) Programme Review Panel member, Bachelor of Business Management Honours in Accounting and Finance – Benedict XVI Catholic Institute of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, (2022).
13) Reviewer of the Wayamba University Research Congress (WURC) 2022.
14) Co-chair, International Research Conference on Management and Finance (IRCMF 2017), Faculty of Management and Finance (FMF), University of Colombo.
15) Coordinator, MBA in Finance, postgraduate and Mid Career Development Unit (PGMCDU), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Jan 2016 – to Dec 2018).
16) Student counselor, Faculty of Management and Finance (FMF), University of Colombo. (2005 – 2010)
17) Coordinator, Capital Market Information Centre, FMF, University of Colombo. (2009 – 2010)
18) Coordinator, Institutional Quality Assurance Review, Department of Finance, University of Colombo. (2009)
19) Audit trainee at Ernst & Young, Chartered Accountants, Sri Lanka. (2001 to 2002)
Visiting experience
20) MSc in Actuarial Science, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo (2024).
21) Postgraduate and Mid-career development unit, Faculty of Management and Finance (FMF), University of Colombo.
22) Department of Management of Technology of Faculty of Engineering of University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. (2003, 2006/2007)
23) Division of Mechanical Engineering Technology and Maritime Studies of the Institute of Technology of the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. (2003/2004, 2005/2006, 2007/2008, 2015)
24) Department of Accountancy and Business Finance of the Faculty of Business Studies and Finance of Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. (2006/2007,2008/2009, 2010/2011)
25) Division of Civil Engineering Technology of the Institute of Technology of the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. (2005/2006, 2007/2008, 2009/2010, 2011, 2019)
26) Department of Economics, Faculty of Arts of University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
27) Graduate Management Centre and Faculty of Business and Professional Studies, Management and Science University, Malaysia. (2012).
28) National Institute of Library and Information Science (NILIS), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
29) Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo.
My other activities at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (2001 September – to date)
30) Senate Commendation 2021.
31) Member of the Colombo MBA alumni association. (2007 to date).
32) Secretary – FMFTA, Faculty of Management and Finance Teachers’ Association, University of Colombo. 2015-2016.
33) Member of the Faculty of Management and Finance Teachers’ Association, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. (2009 to date).
34) Treasurer- Faculty Centre, University of Colombo 2015 – 2016.
35) Vice President – Faculty Centre, University of Colombo 2016 – 2017, 2018 – 2019.
36) Member of the building and infrastructure committee of the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2015 – 2016, 2017, 2018.
37) Department Coordinator, Career Guidance Unit, Faculty of Management and Finance.
38) Treasurer- Staff Welfare Society, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo 2018, 2019, 2020.
39) Chairman, of the Disciplinary inquiry committee to inquire into a dispute that occurred between two groups of students at an event organized by the students of the faculty of arts (2024).
40) Member, of the committee on Disciplinary inquiry about violation of Covid 19 precautionary rules by a group of female students at the Institute of Indigenous Medicine (2021).
41) Secretary – Seminars (2024), Sri Lanka Finance Association.
1) Member of program review panel non-state higher education division, Ministry of Higher Education, technology, and innovations.
2) Examiner in AATSL examinations in December. (2002 and June 2003).
3) Chief Examiner for Accountancy in G.C.E. A/L examination. This is the examination in which students qualify for university entrance in Sri Lanka. (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)
4) Served as a resource person on curriculum development of Accountancy in G.C.E. A/L by the National Institute of Education, Sri Lanka. (2011)
5) Public Lectures at Colombo Stock Exchange on ‘Financial Planning’ (June 2011), “Financial Planning and Investments” for stock market investors in Sri Lanka. (October, 2011).
6) Resource Person, University Grants Commission, Graduate Orientation Training Programme – 2020