RSIS International

Dr. Prospery Mwansa Mwila

Senior Lecture

The Saint Augustine University of Tanzania
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI)
Dr. Prospery Mwansa Mwila is an accomplished educator and researcher specializing in educational assessment, curriculum design, evaluation, and quality assurance in education. With a PhD in Educational Assessment and Evaluation, he brings a deep understanding of the critical processes involved in measuring and enhancing educational quality and effectiveness. His expertise extends to advanced methods for assessing learning outcomes, designing impactful curricula, and ensuring rigorous quality standards in educational institutions. Dr. Prospery holds a Master of Education in Educational Assessment and Evaluation, where he developed a strong foundation in assessment theories and practices, further supporting his work in educational measurement and policy. His academic journey began with a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Education, which instilled in him a comprehensive understanding of pedagogical theories, critical thinking, and the philosophical underpinnings of education. Throughout his career, Dr. Prospery has remained at the forefront of educational innovations, with a particular interest in integrating technology into education. His work in technology in education explores how digital tools can enhance assessment accuracy and accessibility, streamline curriculum design, and support quality assurance frameworks in modern educational environments.
Research Interests
Other Reviewer
Mr. Mark Arvin L. Rebaldo
Mr. Mark Arvin L. Rebaldo
Dr. Mohd Syahmir Alias
Dr. Mohd Syahmir Alias
Dr. Sheryl Driz Tomas
Dr. Sheryl Driz Tomas
Dr. Wilson Mumba
Dr. Wilson Mumba
Dr. Himeji-Ken V. Dela Pena
Dr. Himeji-Ken V. Dela Pena
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