RSIS International

Dr. Yon Machmudi

Assoc Professor

Universitas Indonesia
Ph.D. in Asian Studies, Australian National University
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)
Yon Machmudi received his doctoral degree from the Faculty of Asian Studies, the Australian National University (ANU) Canberra in 2007, where he specialized in Political Islam in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. He also researched The Impact of Social Changes and Modernization of Pesantren Toward the Decline of Ulama’s Authority in Indonesia (2013-2015), Why They Resist the State: The Transformation of Darul Islam in Indonesia (2015-2017), Malay Ottoman Relations (2020-2021) and Bawean Diaspora in Southeast Asia (2020-2022). He wrote a book entitled Islamising Indonesia: The Rise of Jemaah Tarbiyah and the Prosperous Justice Party (2008), Hajj with Love (2014), Tarbiyah Cinta Imam Ghazali (2015), Profile and History of Indonesian Islamic Organizations (2015), The Contemporary Middle East History: The Leadership in Saudi and Libya (2016), Diaspora Bawean (2020), Middle East in Focus (2021) and Afghanistan in the New Era: The Triumph of Taleban (2021). He is currently an associate professor at the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, and the head of the Islamic and Middle East Studies, School of Strategic and Global Studies, Universitas Indonesia.
Research Interests
History, International Relations
Other Reviewer
Oksiana Jatiningsih
Mrs. Oksiana Jatiningsih
Mrs. Chikaodili Afam-Ezeaku
Mrs. Chikaodili Afam-Ezeaku
Dr. Syarizal Abdul Rahim
Mr. Charlie T. Anselmo
Mr. Charlie T. Anselmo
Dr. Peter Iornyagh
Dr. Peter Iornyagh
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