RSIS International

Charles Stephen Okila

Mr. Charles Stephen Okila


Kabarak University
Kabarak University Master’s in Public Health, International Public Health/International Health Technical University of Mombasa Bachelor’s Degree in Technology, Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)
With over a decade of experience in academic writing and research, I bring a deep understanding of scientific rigor and a proven ability to deliver high-caliber medical content. Now specializing in medical writing, I transform complex clinical data into clear, compelling materials that drive decision-making and support health outcomes.
Research Interests
Biological Sciences
Other Reviewer
Mr. Muhammad Isah Muhammad
Mr. Muhammad Isah Muhammad
Mr. Eze Frankline Chidi
Mr. Eze Frankline Chidi
Mr. Olajide Samuel Adegunwa
Mr. Olajide Samuel Adegunwa
Mr. Mohan Kumar Gajula
Mr. Mohan Kumar Gajula
Dr. Masud Ur Rashid
Dr. Masud Ur Rashid
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