David Arhin is currently an MPhil student in Measurement and Evaluation awaiting Viva Voce at the Department of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Educational Foundations, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. His research focuses on Assessment, Mathematics, ICT, Teacher Education, Basic Education, Data Analysis, Monitoring, and Evaluation. I have taught for 12 years. And I have 11 articles published online in my credit as an author. My philosophical statement as a teacher is that “Teaching and learning should be designed carefully to ensure the attainment of learning objectives through standardized assessment which embraces construct validity.” I, therefore, teach with real and practical paradigms to prepare my students for life.
With this, I am poised and ought to strive for academic upgrading to become the kind of teacher that changes the lives of students for the better, educating them not only theoretically but about humanity, joy, discipline, and the meaning of life.