RSIS International

Mr. Mark Arvin L. Rebaldo

Mr. Mark Arvin L. Rebaldo

English and Research Teacher

Manocmanoc National High School
Bachelor of Arts major in English 2012 Master of Arts in Teaching English 2017 Doctor of Education major in Educational Management – Dissertation Writing (On-going)
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI)
-Resource Speaker during the District Training on the Crafting of the Action Research Proposal (November 2021) -Specialized Expert during the conduct of 2nd Online Multidisciplinary Research Festival (Peer Review for research Report) June 2021 -Outside Expert during the 3rd Online Multidisciplinary Research Festival (Practical Research 2 Proposal Defense) January 2022 -Awardee for Paper Publication from Academia Science, Research Journal of Analysis and Invention-RJAI (November 2021) -Research Reviewer of International Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Educational Research -Research Reviewer of International Journal of Current Innovations in Interdisciplinary Scientific Study -Research Reviewer of International Journal of New Trends in Social Sciences -Resource Speaker during International Virtual Conference on Pedagogical Innovations across all Areas of Specialization in Nepal -7th Place Best Research Abstract, 9th Place Best Paper Presenter, and 9th Place Best Research Paper during the International Virtual Congress on Multidisciplinary Research and Paper Presentation in Pakistan
Research Interests
Other Reviewer
Dr. Marija Gavrilovic
Dr. Scholastica N Ratanya
Dr. John Mart Elesio
Foto Jas
Dr. Sigit Purwanto,
Dr. Mohd Noor Hidayat Jimainal
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