RSIS International

Mr. Mayowa Abioye

Principal Instructor

Kogi State Polytechnic, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Itakpe, Kogi State, Nigeria.
Coventry University UK. (2020–2021) MSc Production Engineering and Operation Management . Key modules: Automation and Robotics, Design Principles and Practice, Management of Quality, New Product Group Development, Research Methods and Project Introduction, Optimization and Simulation, Global Lean and Agile Operation, Future and Advance Manufacturing, and Material. National Open University of Nigeria (2017-2019 ) PGD Information Technology . Key modules: Information and Communication Technology, Information Technology and Software Development, Computer Fundamentals, Information System Design and Programming, Application Software Design and Multimedia, Introduction to internet, The good study guide, Computer Networks, Computer programming, Multimedia Technology, Operating System Concepts, Operations Research, Research Project.
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS), International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
I am a Nigerian ,who had my primary and secondary education in Nigeria. I hold a Master of Science degree in Production Engineering and Operation Management from Coventry University, United Kingdom. I also have an undergraduate degree in Metallurgical engineering and Mechanical Production Engineering. I have good knowledge of material production & design, material testing, and smart manufacturing. More so, I have nine years of work experience in the industry sector and also as a Polytechnic Instructor in academic institution. I was involved in teaching mechanical engineering courses such as material science, basic workshop practice, and strength of material in the department of mechanical engineering at the polytechnic where I work as a principal instructor. I have worked as CNC machine operator, which has given me more exposure to smart manufacturing and advanced manufacturing techniques. In the last few years, I have developed a passion and interest in the areas of production engineering, additive manufacturing, data analytics, and metallurgy. I have worked on some research topics, and the outcomes were published in journals with a high impact factor. I have also acquired essential skills in using MATLAB for modelling and ARENA software for simulation. I also acquired special training on the use of machine learning and its application to solve problems in various fields.
Research Interests
Mechanical Engineering
Other Reviewer
Dr. Marija Gavrilovic
Dr. Scholastica N Ratanya
Dr. John Mart Elesio
Foto Jas
Dr. Sigit Purwanto,
Dr. Mohd Noor Hidayat Jimainal
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