Dr. Sreeja Mole S.S. obtained his doctorate from Anna University Chennai, India. She is currently working as Professor and HOD with 19 years of experiences in teaching and research. She has published 110 research articles in International Journals and Conference Proceedings. Including 8 SCI paper. She is an editorial member of many International and Indian Journals. She is a life member of ISTE, IETE, ACM, CSI, IET, IAEE,IJRULA, MIDES , INSc and IAENG. She is the recipient of Excellent Innovative Scientific Research and Professor Award from Society of Professional Engineers, Dedicated Professional Engineer Award Winner from Society of Engineers and Technicians, Best Young Researcher and Young Scientist Award from Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties. She received best HOD of the year 2020 in recognition of valuable contribution to the academic community and to the students and best Researcher. award in the International Scientist award in Engineering , Science and Medicine. She had conducted numerous Workshops, Seminars, National and International conferences and is actively involved in the IIT Spoken tutorial Program Faculty Organizer and Coordinator, QIP, Women empowerment, College Officer in AISHE , Examination Observer duty, Chief Superdiendent in Engineering college under AU KTU and JNTUH. And she os a college coordinator for smart India Hackathon (SIHE) . She received Indian Patent on Crop Disease Detection and Monitoring System , Exoskeleton Hand for Stroke Survivors Rehabilitation and Control IOT based Optimization, Secure and reliable smart e voting system using Adar card and Autralian patent namely A novel method for prevention of security attack on cloud medical data using artificial intelligence and IOT. She had authored the book “Transmission Lines and Wave Guides” published by Tata Mc- Graw Hill and is in the progress of publishing a book in the field of “Electromagnetic Field’.