Assoc Prof. Evangeline E. Timbang PhD, CHE , an AHLEI certified hospitality educator spent her last forty two and a half years at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila as an Associate Professor in tourism and hospitality. She was the Chair of the Hotel and Restaurant Management Department for 19 years and at present the Asst Dean of the College of Tourism and Hospitality Management of the royal, pontifical and catholic university in the country.
She had assumed key positions in various national and international professional organizations such as former President of the Asia Pacific Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institution in Education (APacCHRIE) and President of the Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of the Philippines (COHREP). She is a Member of the World Association for Hospitality and Tourism Education and Training (AMFORHT) and of the Association of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI). She was an exchange program professor for three years at Gyeongju University , Gyeongju, South Korea.
Her field of interest in research are culinary, food service, entrepreneurship and internship. She has presented research papers in both local and international research fora including a research poem and has published research papers in refereed global journals.