RSIS International


Dr. Chitra P

Associate Professor

Sathyabama Institute Of Science And Technology
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)
P.Chitra, She received her Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Manonmanniam Sundaranar University in 2002. She received her She received her Master’s degree in Applied Electronics from Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Anna University in 2004. She had completed her Ph.D. from Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology in 2015. Both in her postgraduate and graduate studies she showed keen interest in the area of Digital Image Processing and Soft Computing tools. At present, she works as an Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. She has published more than 25 papers in International/National Journals and conferences.
Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence
Other Reviewer
Mr. Tayo Amos Taiwo
WhatsApp Image 2022-05-15 at 20.03
Dr. Alaamri Nahid
Mr. Ekpe Oto-Obong Friday
Mr. Ekpe Oto-Obong Friday
Mr. Uforo Etim Eyo
Mr. Uforo Etim Eyo
Mr. Ahmad Zulhusny Bin Rozali
Mr. Ahmad Zulhusny Bin Rozali
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