RSIS International

Ms. Sandy Jayathunga

Lecturer (Probationary)

Sri Lanka
PhD reading MPA in Education Management reading MSc in Nursing BSc in Nursing Diploma in Nursing Diploma in Midwifery
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)
Sandhya Jayathunga, PhD (Candidate), MN, MPA (Reading), BSc, RN, RM Probationary Lecturer | Registered Nurse & Midwife | Nursing Researcher Sandhya Jayathunga is a dedicated nursing educator, researcher, and clinician with expertise in nursing education, midwifery, and dementia care. She is a Probationary Lecturer in Nursing and a PhD candidate at the Open University, Malaysia, researching the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in reducing stress among informal dementia caregivers. She holds a Master’s in Nursing (Open University, Malaysia) and a BSc in Nursing (Open University, Sri Lanka) and is currently pursuing a Master in Public Administration in Education Management at the Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM), University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Additionally, she holds diplomas in Nursing and Midwifery and is a Registered Nursing Officer and Midwife in Sri Lanka. Her expertise spans evidence-based nursing, dementia care, caregiver support, and healthcare education. She is actively engaged in curriculum development, clinical supervision, and student mentorship, fostering critical thinking and professional growth in nursing practice.
Research Interests
Education, Medical and Health Sciences, Nursing, Public Health
Other Reviewer
Mr. Ekpe Oto-Obong Friday
Mr. Ekpe Oto-Obong Friday
Mr. Uforo Etim Eyo
Mr. Uforo Etim Eyo
Mr. Ahmad Zulhusny Bin Rozali
Mr. Ahmad Zulhusny Bin Rozali
Chinua Onyebuchi
Dr. Chinua Onyebuchi
Mr. Dominic Samaila
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