Dr. Aweng a/l Eh Rak is a lecturer at the faculty of Earth Science, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Jeli Campus, Malaysia. He holds Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering in Civil – Environmental Management and the Ph.D of Civil Engineering in River Management. He also holds Certificate of Proficiency in Integrated Land-use Management from Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany (TUD). As of to date he has published 5 books, 10 chapters in Book, more than 100 papers in national and international journal. Not only that, he was also invited as a reviewer for more than 100 journal publishers nationally and internationally. During his academic journey, he has secured a number of research grants to undertake research in his field, he has also invited as a chairperson in several national and international conferences. At the same time he has also actively participating in national and international innovation exhibitions and won a number of medals ranging from “Best Award”, Gold, Silver and Bronze medal. Dr. Aweng a/l Eh Rak is not only active in academic and research, but also administrations. Due to his leadership skills he was appointed as head of the Department, Deputy Dean for Academic, Students affairs and Internationalization and Dean for the Faculty of Earth Science, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan and currently as Director of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Jeli Campus.
Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Water Resources Management