RSIS International

Dr. Aminu Yakubu

Dr. Aminu Yakubu

Senior Lecturer

Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola
PhD Islamic Banking,M.A Islamic Studies, and B.A Islamic Studies
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)
I was born on the 9/10/1979 at Numan Local government, Adamawa State, Nigerian. My Profile  i like elivering lectures to students using advanced teaching techniques to inspire and motivate them for higher level qualifications and then employment.  Employment History Primary School Teacher at Adamawa State Universal Basic Education, Demsa from March 2004 — April 2011 Lecturer at Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola. From November 2011 to date Director at Ibn Abbas Centre for Arabic and Islamic Education, Demsa from 2007- to date Educational Qualifications Primary School Certificate. Central Primary School Numan, Numan 1986 — 1991 Senior Islamic Studies Certificate (S.I.S). El-Kanemi College of Islamic Theology, Yola, from 1999 — 2001 Diploma Arabic and Islamic Education. El-Kanemi College of Islamic Theology, Yola, from 2000 — 2002 B.A Islamic Studies. University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria from 2004 — 2006 M.A Islamic Studies. Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria 2016 — 2017 PhD in Islamic Banking. University Sains Malaysia
Research Interests
Other Reviewer
Dr. Sri Rahayu
Dr. Sri Rahayu, S.Pd., M.E.
Dr. Praveen Kumar Chachaiya
Danjuma Kassim
Mr. Abdullahi DANJUMA Kassim
Dr. Hauwa Sani Ahmad
Mr. Wade Manasseh Teryima
Mr. Wade Manasseh Teryima
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