RSIS International

Mr. Alexandru Marius Tătar

Dr. Francis Kayode Ashipaoloye

Dean, Graduate School

Lyceum of the Philippines – Laguna
– Doctor of Philosophy in Management – Doctor of Public Administration – Master in Public Administration – Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management – AB Philosophy
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)
Dr. Francis Kayode Ashipaoloye is a Professor A with the College of Business and Accountancy and Graduate School of Lyceum of the Philippines-Laguna (LPU-Laguna). He was the former Assistant Vice President/Chief, International Relations Officer. He is currently the Dean of Graduate School of LPU-Laguna. He is the President/Founder of Mindset Management and Consultancy Services Inc a training provider, management and business consultancy company. He obtained his B.A Philosophy from the Dominican Institute of Philosophy and Theology Ibadan (An affiliate of the University of Ibadan; Nigeria’s Premier University) with Second Class Honors, Lower Division GPA 4.0. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management at LPU-Laguna (2017). He obtained his Master in Public Administration from LPU-Batangas as an Outstanding Student Awardee for Academics with a GWA of 1.12. He completed his Doctoral Degree (DPA) in Public Administration from Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas (LPU-Batangas) SY: 2012-2013 as an Academic Excellence Awardee with a GWA of 1.13. He graduated (PhD Management) from LPU-Batangas as an Academic Excellence Awardee with a GWA of 1.17 SY: April 2015-2016. He is a Theorists and has taught various subjects ranging from philosophy, sociology, economics, business, management, and administration. More so, he is a Researcher, Retreat Facilitator, Resource and Motivational Speaker both national and international and gave Keynote Address during Foundation Day and Graduation Celebrations of Schools. He is an International Peer Reviewer, External Examiner for Thesis/Dissertation, and an Editorial Board Member for Research. He is an Accreditor with Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities on Accreditation (PACUCOA), Accreditor with Philippine Quality Award (PQA) and Commission on Accreditation for Local Colleges and Universities (ALCUCOA) and Regional Quality Assessment Team (RQAT) Member of CHED Region IVA, Philippines. He is currently the Vice President for International Affairs of Manila Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Senior Vice President for International Affairs of Philippine Council of Graduate School Administrators, Deans and Educators Foundation Inc., Chairman, Committee on International Relations, Asia Pacific Professional Association Foundation Inc, Member, Quality Assurance Board, Asia Pacific Professional Association Foundation, Inc., Member People Management Association of the Philippines, CALABARZON Chapter and Board Member Philippine Association of Graduate Education (PAGE) Region IVA Chapter and Committee Chair, Learning and Development for PAGE Region IVA.
Research Interests
Other Reviewer
Dr. Sri Rahayu
Dr. Sri Rahayu, S.Pd., M.E.
Dr. Praveen Kumar Chachaiya
Danjuma Kassim
Mr. Abdullahi DANJUMA Kassim
Dr. Hauwa Sani Ahmad
Mr. Wade Manasseh Teryima
Mr. Wade Manasseh Teryima
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