RSIS International

Dr. Yousef Padganeh

Dr. Yousef Padganeh


YE Cost Control and Risk Management Professional Services
PhD- Business Science – Risk Management PhD – Business Management – Banking MBA – Financial Sceince MBA – Management CMA
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)
Dr. Yousef Padganeh is a driven and highly experienced risk leader with proven ability to develop and implement enterprise risk management framework and policies that align with the organizations’ size, scale, and complexity while considering regulatory requirements and expectations, boasting over 18 years professional experience within the banking space and also as an academician. Adept at implementing risk policies and procedures and framework aimed at identifying, assessing, measuring, and classifying risk in order to ensure continuous monitoring and mitigation of risk. He hold a PhD in Business Science – Risk Modelling from University of Miskolc Hungary along with other qualifications including being a Certified Management Accountant, Chartered Risk Analyst, and Certified Basel iii Professional amongst other certifications. He has acquired expertise in implementing and leading various units within an organization such as Credit Control, Model Risk, Capital Risk), Market & Liquidity Risk, Risk Analytics, and Operational Risk units and provided support to numerous teams.
Research Interests
Other Reviewer
Dr. Sri Rahayu
Dr. Sri Rahayu, S.Pd., M.E.
Dr. Praveen Kumar Chachaiya
Danjuma Kassim
Mr. Abdullahi DANJUMA Kassim
Dr. Hauwa Sani Ahmad
Mr. Wade Manasseh Teryima
Mr. Wade Manasseh Teryima
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