RSIS International

Prof. Felix Arion

Prof. Felix Arion

Head of Department

USAMV Cluj-Napoca
BSc in Agricultural Economics MSc in Agribusiness Ph.D. in Management and Marketing in Agriculture and Rural Development
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)
Prof. Dr. Felix Arion is the General Manager of AgroTransilvania Cluster (GOLD label by ESCA) and, also, Head of the Department of Economic Sciences of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca. Currently, he is President of Network of Romanian Clusters in Agri-Food. Since 2018 he is an expert for the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis, and in 2020 he was nominated by European Commission, DG JRC, as expert appointed to assist the Review of Industrial Transition of Romania in the field of agri-food (smart farming and food traceability). Starting with 2007 he is an expert evaluation for quality assurance in higher education in Romania and since 2021 he is an expert in Lithuania too.
Research Interests
Other Reviewer
Dr. Sri Rahayu
Dr. Sri Rahayu, S.Pd., M.E.
Dr. Praveen Kumar Chachaiya
Danjuma Kassim
Mr. Abdullahi DANJUMA Kassim
Dr. Hauwa Sani Ahmad
Mr. Wade Manasseh Teryima
Mr. Wade Manasseh Teryima
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