“I am a psychotherapist and mental health specialist based in Mutare, Zimbabwe. I am qualified psychotherapist,practical theologian and mental health consultant with over twenty years of experience in mental health, pastoral care and journeying with people in distress. I have grassroot, local, national, and international experience in offering counseling, psychotherapy, and mental health support. I have worked as a clinician at various Psychosocial Mental Health and Rehabilitation centres in Zimbabwe and in the USA. I worked as a University Counseling Services Coordinator for four years, as an interim Dean of Student Affairs at Africa University, Zimbabwe. I have experience in teaching at University Level in the area of Social Sciences, Human Development, Trauma Therapy and Theology. Currently, I assist as a Psychotherapist at the Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital. Currently, I am a Practitioner in Charge at a registered health institution, Psychotherapy, Care and Counseling Services in Mutare, I am an MHPSS specialist Consultant with Centre for Victims of Torture. I also am founder and team member of Waneni Substance Abuse Recovery Services. I have worked as the first Zimbabwean Manager of Simukai Childcare Protection, Mutare where I worked for 8 years. I have served in hospitals, prisons, schools, communities in offering mental health support. I have offered Mental Health First Aid communities and over two thousand individuals to promote sound mental health. I have served as a member of IRB ethics review committee at Africa University for 6 years. My research interests encompass mental health and spirituality, trauma therapy, community mental health, transpersonal psychology, and marriage therapy. I am a marriage officer and marriage therapist and offers life coaching for couples. I have published in peer reviewed international journals on mental health and spirituality and has published a couple of chapters in various books. Mazvita Machinga is a woman of faith and loves to see people thriving and coping positively with life challenges.I enjoy teamwork. My passion and love for mental health
well-being has span over a period of twenty years plus. Being efficient and productive is important for me and I
love learning and getting knowledge that has immediate practical applications. I have been involved for over 10
years in community engagements, service to community on mental health support. I love journeying with
individuals, couples, and groups of people with life challenges or mental health disorders. My postdoctoral research has been on transpersonal psychology where I explore the importance of integrating the spiritual and transcendent aspects of
the human experience with the framework of modern psychological care. I have published on the transpersonal
perceptive of psychology and how this helps people move on with life.”