RSIS International

Mr. Isaac Gbadeh Jolokleh

Mr. Isaac Gbadeh Jolokleh


University of Liberia
BSc in Secondary Education (University of Liberia) MA in Educational Administration (University of Liberia) MEd in Educational Psychology (Kenyatta University)
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)
Isaac was born and raised in West Point, Monrovia, Liberia. West Point is the biggest slum community that hosts most notorious criminals and drug addicts in Monrovia. At 14, he was introduced to drugs, alcohol, masturbation, and other sinful activities. At 17, he joined the then ULIMO-J, a firearm rebel group. His mother Susie B. Jolokleh prayed for the Lord Jesus Christ to save him and turn him into a pastor. Consequently, he left the rebel group and accepted the call to follow the Lord Jesus Christ as a pastor. He began preaching since 1995. He was water baptized on December 13, 1995, and baptized with the Holy Spirit on February 9, 1997. He earned a Bachelor of Theology from the Liberia Assemblies of God Bible College in 2005. In 2011, he graduated from the University of Liberia with a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education with emphasis in English and Sociology. In 2019, he earned a master degree in Educational Administration from the University of Liberia, and in 2024, a master in Education (Educational Psychology) from the Kenyatta University. He is an applicant and prospective student for PhD in Educational Psychology at the Kenyatta University. He was a founding member of the Trumpeters of Jesus Christ Evangelistic Ministry (TJCM). Also, he was member of Young Workers for Christ Singing Ministry. He is founding member of the Old Ruwenzori Christian Fellowship, an outreach ministry on Kenyatta University campus, Nairobi, Kenya. For over 19 years, he has been involved in outreaches, training pastors, teachers, youth leaders and church workers. Isaac has been working with cross section of young people in and out of Liberia. He has served in both public and private educational sectors, functioning as classroom teacher, college lecturer as well as administrator. He is the author of two articles in Educational Psychology and a research book. He has written a number of other unpublished articles and books. In a collective endeavour so far, he planted three churches in Liberia. He is the lead pastor of the New Vision Assembly of God, a husband of one wife and father of four. He is the National Director for the Youth Ministry of the Assemblies of God Liberia Inc. He is also a lecturer in the College of Education, University of Liberia. Isaac Gbadeh Jolokleh is a team player who has used every opportunity to serve and share the Jesus Christ whenever and wherever he can (2 Timothy 4:2).
Research Interests
Other Reviewer
Mr. Muhammad Isah Muhammad
Mr. Muhammad Isah Muhammad
Mr. Eze Frankline Chidi
Mr. Eze Frankline Chidi
Mr. Olajide Samuel Adegunwa
Mr. Olajide Samuel Adegunwa
Mr. Mohan Kumar Gajula
Mr. Mohan Kumar Gajula
Dr. Masud Ur Rashid
Dr. Masud Ur Rashid
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