RSIS International

Dr. Sayma Arju

Dr. Sayma Arju


Stamford University Bangladesh
PhD from University of Dhaka , MA in English from Jahangir Nagar University, Savar, Dhaka, BA (Hon’s) in Englishfrom Jahangir Nagar University, Savar, Dhaka
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)
Professor Dr. Sayma Arju assumed the role of Chairman of the Department of English at Stamford University Bangladesh in May 2024. She earned her Ph.D. in psycholinguistics from the University of Dhaka and completed her MA and BA (Hons) in English from Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka. Dr. Arju began her career at Stamford University Bangladesh in 2004 as a Lecturer. She was promoted to Assistant Professor in 2008, Associate Professor in 2017, and Professor in 2024. With a distinguished academic and professional background, she has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals both locally and internationally. With extensive experience in teacher training, materials development, and research, Dr. Arju has made significant contributions to academia. Beyond her professional responsibilities, she is also a writer of short stories and poems, which have been featured in various magazines and newspapers.
Research Interests
Other Reviewer
Mr. Muhammad Isah Muhammad
Mr. Muhammad Isah Muhammad
Mr. Eze Frankline Chidi
Mr. Eze Frankline Chidi
Mr. Olajide Samuel Adegunwa
Mr. Olajide Samuel Adegunwa
Mr. Mohan Kumar Gajula
Mr. Mohan Kumar Gajula
Dr. Masud Ur Rashid
Dr. Masud Ur Rashid
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