RSIS International

Dr. Uma Shankar Yadav

Assistant Professor

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Prayagraj
Phd as assistant professor cume senior resarch fellow, former Research Associate in NIT Allahabad. MSW, MSC, MA ECONOMICS.
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI)
“Uma Shankar Yadav is assistant professor on contract working as a senior research fellow in Motilal Nehru national institutes of technology Allahabad prayagraj India, he has published more than 55 ( springer nature , sage, T and francis) research papers in reputed global journals, and in the ministry of MSME he is submitted his project as a research associate under the directorship of Dr. Ravindra Tripathi, he is currently deputy editor in chief in Bank and policy journal, and SCIENCE EDUCATION AND INNOVATION IN MODERN PROSPECTS, and associate editor in 12 other international journals, editorial board member in 15 international journals at the global level. He has published 2 book chapters. He is a reviewer in many reputed SCOPUS indexed, ABDC B LISTED, journals like as AER, JAST, SEDME, and RMI, FIIB, Vision the business perspective (All are SAGE PUBLICATION JOURNAL) He is serving as a pioneer in the handicraft industry in the district of Prayagraj India. He has 6 book chapter in the Taylor Francis, pulgrave Macmillan, springer nature, emerald and Wiley john publishing house Group,. He is also a reviewer in FBJ a journal of a springer nature. He has also published one book on the proposal on global handicraft index publisher is Lambert academic Publishing Maldoa.”
Research Interests
Other Reviewer
Oksiana Jatiningsih
Mrs. Oksiana Jatiningsih
Mrs. Chikaodili Afam-Ezeaku
Mrs. Chikaodili Afam-Ezeaku
Dr. Syarizal Abdul Rahim
Mr. Charlie T. Anselmo
Mr. Charlie T. Anselmo
Dr. Peter Iornyagh
Dr. Peter Iornyagh
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